Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Surviving Beach Boys To Reunite For Grammy Appearance

If you're a Beach Boys fan who has anxiously awaited the band's proposed reunion with Brian Wilson, prepare to be very excited. All of the surviving members of the seminal California band will reunite for a live performance for the first time in more than twenty years at the upcoming Grammy Awards, according to a report from Billboard Magazine.

Now, prepare to have your hopes dashed back again unless you envisioned that this long awaited reunion should include contributions from Maroon 5 and Foster The People. Yep, two bands that have - at least on the surface - jack shit to do with the Beach Boys are going to muddy the water of what otherwise has the potential to be a very interesting moment in popular music history. It seems like Brian Wilson could arrange some dope harmonies for "Pumped Up Kicks" but imagining how to incorporate the 5 Maroons is beyond comprehension right now.  You'll have to tune into the Grammys on Feb. 12 to find out for yourself.

The Beach Boys are currently working on a record slated for release later this year and will kick off a lengthy tour with the reunited lineup on April 27 in New Orleans.

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